Some dork in the next county is paying his overseers more than you. You are forced to give your overseers a %d%% raise to keep them happy. (Rotten luck.) Its salary review time. %d%% for all the overseers. A neighboring king, jealous of the incredible efficiency of your overseers (ha ha), has been trying to recruit them. You give them all a %d%% raise to make sure they stay with you. Your overseers have been doing so well lately (ha ha) that you are moved to give them a %d%% raise. (Actually the union threatened to strike.) You were feeling generous today. (again.) So, you gave your overseers a %d%% raise. So many of your overseers have been quitting lately that your advisors have recommended that you pay them %d%% more. Your overseers hate your guts. You have to give them a %d%% raise just to keep working for you. Overseer turnover is high. You are forced to give them a %d%% raise to mollify them. Overseers are disgruntled by working conditions. They strike for a %d%% raise.